Month: February 2014

  • Education opportunity!



    This conference looks brilliant so we thought we would share for any other vets, nurses or animal physiotherapists that might be interested. 28 – 30th November 2014 We hope to see you there!  

  • Welcome to Pepper



    Hello and welcome to Pepper. This very fit working Labrador has had a painful front Leg for a little while. Originally diagnosed as an arthritis issue, it was later re diagnosed as biceps tendons. It recovered well for a while but has never quite healed fully so the owner now wants to try some physiotherapy.…

  • Welcome to Boris



    Hello and welcome to Borris. This hansom border terrier has pain in his back and a lump on his side. Both causing him difficulty and discomfort even he walks. He has started physiotherapy now so we can make him more comfortable in his later years. He certainly enjoyed his session. You’ll feel better soon Borris!

  • So what colour is a skunks skin under the fur?



    Not something you’ve ever thought about? Neither did I until it came up! Many animals have different skin colours to the fur colours. Some cats have black pads on thier paws when they have white fur. Many dogs and cats have various skin pigments. Polar bears have black skin under thier white fur. This is…

  • Welcome to Lemonie



    Hello and welcome to Lemonie! Not named after Snicket! Lovely Lemomie has had surgery on a fore limb having suffered a nasty fracture and dislocation. Good luck mum and Lemonie. We are sure you’ll feel better soon!

  • Welcome to Lemonie



    Hello and welcome to Lemonie! Not named after Snicket! Lovely Lemomie has had surgery on a fore limb having suffered a nasty fracture and dislocation. Good luck mum and Lemonie. We are sure you’ll feel better soon!

  • Welcome to Lottie



    Hello and welcome to Lottie. This very sweet Labrador has a few fused spinal bones. This means they dont bend as they should. This causes her trouble in a few ways. Most of her life she has coped absolutely fine, but now its starting to cause more issues with her mobility and become a little…