Welcome to Angus



Hello and welcome to Angus.

This gorgeous maincoon is a real sweetheart. Sadly he started to show lameness as a very young age. He was only around 7 months. investigations showed that he has a rare disease which meant he had to have his femoral head and neck removed on a hind leg. 

Sadly the lameness then started on the other hind. So the other hip ball was also removed. 

The owner got him through his recovery well but she felt he had not made a full recovery so she came for physiotherapy.

On exam there were clear issues in hind limb muscle. So we have given a home regime of stretching and light massage to begin. We will then start some muscle rebuilding.

Cats are great with physiotherapy and respond well. But they have different behavioural needs and require you to respond to thier behavioural ques sympathetically and confidently. 

Angus really enjoyed the session, much to the suprise of his mum.

We are pleased to have him on board and help him with rebalancing his body.